
Faryabi cricketer Parwiz Mohammadi is trying to achieve her future goals.

Cricket is one of the sports that has gained a lot of fans recently. In Afghanistan, there is a lot of interest in this sport in the southern provinces

Cricket is one of the sports that has gained a lot of fans recently.

In Afghanistan, there is a lot of interest in this sport in the southern provinces.

But recently, the scope of this sport is also expanding in the northern provinces.

Parwiz Mohammadi is one of the youths of Faryabi of Arbek descent who has recently become interested in this field.

Mohammadi started playing cricket at home and a group of his fellow students play cricket in his neighborhood.

He says that there is no cricket stadium in the city of Maimene, and he continues to play cricket with his own facilities.

He wants the government to encourage young people to participate in this sport by investing more in this field.

The wish of the only cricket player of Uzbek origin is to open space for all ethnic groups in this sport and hope in the future to be a member of the country's national cricket team and win great honors for his country.

Author   Nasir Ahmad Ozbek Oghli
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