Welcome To Uzbekpedia

Your Trusted Source for News and Information!

Uzbekpedia is a social media launched by some journalists in the country in 2019.

It is a social media that establishes its impartiality and independence in publishing and broadcasting news and political programs in Uzbek and Turkish languages through YouTube, Facebook, X and Telegram pages.Uzbeki language is one of the most important and popular languages of Afghanistan, and for many years Uzbek linguists, poets, writers, politicians, politicians, civil activists and educated youth have tried to preserve this language. Now Uzbekpedia is a social media that strives to publish news, political programs and books in this language to strengthen and further develop the Uzbeki language.

With a strong focus on content in three languages: Uzbeki, Turkish and English, this media provides more information to its audience.Uzbekpedia's publications are available on social media in Uzbeki and Turkish and its website is accessible.

Join us on this journey to continue our mission of informing and empowering people from all walks of life. Let's explore the world of news and information, one story at a time.

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